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The 30 Day Path to a Peaceful Mind Daily Prayer and Peace Guide 

If you haven't been able to find the time for prayer and to have a moment of peace n the morning, you'll want this guide. What a great way to spend the extra time you find through using the Time Tracker Template.

What's included:

✔️ You will get 30 days of scripture, prayer, life coaching concepts through a spiritual lens, and question prompts to help you focus on peace.  

✔️ Follow each day of the path to have a peaceful, renewed, and happy spirit for your busy mom life..

✔️ For only a commitment of a few minutes a day you'll have engaged in prayer, be filled with wisdom, and also strengthened your God-given power to create a peaceful life. 

The Divine Time Tracker

The Time Logging Templates for Busy Catholic Moms to Uncover Time Bombs and Boost Productivity

What you'll get:

  • Clarity on what your top 10 time bombs are and begin to release them
  • The key to what will guarantee you to boost your productivity
  • 7 days of time logging templates to guide your time audit so you can recapture control of your schedule